2024 has been an exciting year of ministry at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp. We’ve been blessed to witness lives transformed by Christ’s love, and we want to take a moment to thank you for being a part of this journey and share several impactful moments!
When I asked PLFC Program Director, Suzanne Opel, about a memorable moment, she recalled a youth week camper who masked hurt from difficult circumstances with a sour attitude and air of disdain for everything and everyone at camp. As her counselor and others fought through the tough layers of self-protection with genuine care and love, her mask slowly came off. She built meaningful friendships with her cabinmates over the final few days of camp. Her mom later shared “She changed back to the sweet daughter she used to be and has committed to Christ.”
More Impactful Moments:
CAMPER PARENT “As soon as I picked up my son from camp, I could see a difference in the way he spoke and acted with me and his camp leaders. When we got home, we went through his campfire lessons. He truly listened and took in more than I could have ever hoped for!”
SUMMER CAMP: 350 Campers attended Overnight & Day Camp! 27 campers made first-time decisions or recommitments to follow Jesus Christ!
4,500+ GUESTS & CAMPERS spent time at Pine Lake, including 15 new guest groups!
EXPANDING BOUNDARIES! – Over the summer, 40 neighboring acres were purchased debt-free. Hallelujah! This addition sustains a retreat experience for all and creates future opportunities!
CAMP SALE –Supporters rallied and raised over $29,000!
Two quilts sold for over $2,500 each!
Your opportunity to make a difference! Donations account for 20% of our annual operating budget. We are currently 2/3 of the way to funding that need. While increased guest group rentals are filling in some of the financial gaps, we still need $25,000 to close out 2024.
Will you consider a gift to help PLFC end the year on a strong note!
Thank you! Your generosity and prayers empower Pine Lake to carry forward the mission of reconciliation with God, nature, and one another through hospitality, spiritual growth, community, and more. Thank you for being a part of the work God is doing through Pine Lake Fellowship Camp.
Matt Graybill
Executive Director