Tiny Seeds Bring Tremendous Impact

Summer Camp 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp in 2023! It has been a year of growth, transformation, and nurturing of faith for campers and guests. Just as a mustard seed starts small and grows into a mighty tree, a camper growing in Christ can do great things! 

Tiny Seeds Bring Tremendous Impact:

Mark” (not his real name) was unsure if he wanted to ride the zip line. It was out of his comfort zone, but he knew that taking a refreshing ride down the line would be a thrill, scary as it was.  As he geared up, he watched several campers calmly climb up the ladder and take off without hesitation, but Mark was nervous.  It came easy for those campers, but not for him.  As Mark’s turn drew closer, the facilitator encouraged him and gave directions all the way up to the top of the platform before “hooking in” to the 300’ zip line.  It looked even scarier from up there!  He had completed each step but was having trouble garnering the last bit of courage required to push off from the platform. Then, his cabinmates started to chant his name…”Mark! Mark! Mark!  You can do it Mark!”  With that, Mark launched from the platform and flew down the line! His cabinmates encouragement was the tiny seed that transformed Mark’s week with newfound confidence. His demeanor changed after that moment! Mark walked a little taller and became more engaged in each activity and with his cabinmates. These tiny seeds bring about tremendous impact!  The transformative love of Christ impacts each camper in many ways!

More Mustard Seed Moments:

  • Camper Parent: “My daughter loves camp and getting to grow in Christ with others. She shares her experience with others, and she wants to become a future leader at Pine Lake!”
  • Largest Summer Camp attendance! (Overnight Camp: 191 | Day Camp: 115 | Good News Fellowship: 68)
  • 94 campers made a first-time decisions or recommitments to follow Jesus Christ!
  • 24 summer staff experienced “mustard seed” moments while sharing the love of Christ!

Will You Consider a Year-End Donation?

The need/goal is $25,000 by December 31 to balance the budget going into 2024!

We invite you to consider a part in “planting mustard seeds” for the coming year.  A financial gift of support makes moments of tremendous growth possible. Thank you! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Matt Graybill
Executive Director
