Answer the Call! | Year End Giving Campaign

Have you ever missed a call (or text) because you were too distracted or in another room?  Urgency, full schedules, and flashing screens can subtly drown out the voice of God.   Pine Lake is a sanctuary of retreat from daily distractions and helps us to hear the voice of God speak into our lives.  That call invites us to draw into a closer and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ & follow Him!  We praise God for the gift of camp which helps us hear more clearly.


Pine Lake is a place to hear God’s voice and answer the call!

For campers like Landon, summer camp has served as a primary part of his Christian journey.  To him, a week at camp has always meant fun games, Christian community with fellow campers & staff, and a deepening of his faith in Christ.  Last spring, while in discussion with his parents about his upcoming baptism, Landon expressed a desire to be baptized at Pine Lake, because it’s been a formative place for his faith journey. He said it is “the place he feels closest to God.” This past summer after his week at camp ended, he was baptized in Pine Lake with family, church members, summer staff, & cabinmates there to support him!  Praise God that Landon heard & answered God’s call on his life!



The Pine Lake community was able to hear and answer God’s calling in many ways in 2021. Here area  few that stood out:

  • Volunteers organized Camp Sale at Pine Lake for the first time and rallied to raise $27,500!
  • 213 campers learned about Jesus Christ at summer camp.  One camper said, “I’m learning that God will shape me in small steps to make me who he wants me to be.”
  • Our inaugural week-long Day Camp saw 58 campers learn about the Armor of God over two programs!
  • 16 summer staff experienced “life-changing” moments as they grew in confidence to “share the gospel, lean on community, and prioritize their walk with Christ”
  • Supporters rallied around 35 displaced Hurricane Ida evacuees and provided food & gift card donations as well as contributions to supplement Pine Lake’s cost of hosting evacuees over three weeks in September.

This ministry thrives because of your prayer & commitment which carry forth this important work!    As we move into 2022, we anticipate the ways God will use Pine Lake’s supporters, staff, & resources to reach campers, guests, & others in ways we cannot comprehend.  I invite you to offer a donation that helps campers & guests “Answer the Call” to grow closer to God.  

Thank you for your continued support!


Matt Graybill
Executive Director