Summer Staff

PLFC is committed to hiring Godly young men and women to serve as Christian role models to children ages 7-17. Each summer, young people who are interested in the spiritual growth of campers and themselves come to work at PLFC.


 Pine Lake Fellowship Camp Staff...


Staff work directly with campers, ages 6-17, fostering a love of Christ and His creation, and challenging campers to take their next step in a relationship with Jesus.  Today’s campers will become tomorrow’s church. As role models, staff demonstrate the faith journey for campers, and as mentors, they reach out a hand of encouragement to these future leaders.


Staff commit to working with the body of Christ in a community and culture of servanthood. Each staff member contributes his/her unique gifts and talents to serve each camper during the summer. To most, it may seem like a fun, light-hearted summer job, but to summer staff, the work is a ministry of love, sacrifice, challenge, and, yes, tons of fun and immense reward. Camp staff have the opportunity to change the trajectory of children and youth’s lives, to share God’s love in each moment, sometimes by playing a game, sometimes by serving in the kitchen, but always by loving the campers.


While summer staff serve selflessly for the campers, they also experience the benefit of living in a close-knit, unified, mission-driven community.  Serving Christ in a community of believers will enrich one's faith through building new friendships, discovering spiritual gifts, and facing challenges.  This environment holds rich opportunities for staff’s personal spiritual growth.


The professional skills staff hone while at camp transfer to any field that involves working with people or working for an employer. Teens and young adults practice team and leadership skills with the support and coaching of attentive, seasoned leaders.

Is the Lord calling you to serve Him at Pine Lake?

Counselors and Program Staff are high school graduates or are at least 18 years old. Our L.I.T. Program includes 16-17 year olds who are interested in developing leadership skills in a rich environment for learning. All staff persons are selected after going through a thorough application process. Staff persons are also required to attend an orientation/training week before the summer camp begins.

When serving on summer staff, PLFC will:

  1. Furnish room and board for the duration of the summer camp program
  2. Provide an outline of duties and areas of responsibilities as well as training.
  3. Pay Program Staff and Counselors a stipend of $150per week.

**Acceptance is discerned upon review of the application, reference, & interview process.


Job Descriptions

Program Staff

Serve in three or more primary roles described below.

Participate in camp activities when not carrying out an assigned task.

  1. Engage and monitor campers during counselor meetings and as assigned.
  2. Assist with kitchen clean-up if needed.
  3. Attend daily staff meeting.
  4. Provide mental, emotional, and spiritual support for counselors and LITs.
  5. Assist in working with campers with special needs or problems.
  6. Monitor lights out time. Live in cabins with campers and counselors as needed.
  7. Assist in clean-up after campers have left.
  8. Assist Program Director as requested.
  9. Be an example in participating, cooperating, and exercising Christian love and care.
  10. Responsible first to Summer Director and then to Executive Director.
Program Staff Roles


  • Nature Activities Director—Plan all nature activities, gather materials and lead activities.
  • Recreation Director— Plan and lead all recreation games including the theme related activities as planned by Director.
  • Ropes Course Director—Plan and lead ropes course activities. Ropes course leader should have some experience with low ropes course elements. Orientation & training will take place upon arrival to camp.
  • Lifeguard/Water Director—Tests campers wanting to swim in the deep area, monitor swimmers at all times, assign an adult assistant to help monitor swimmers, make sure all posted rules are observed, be responsible for any water equipment, see to the safety of campers and staff during all swim and boating times. Must be at least 18 years old and a certified lifeguard. Lifeguard training may be available.
  • Variety Block Coordinator—Work with staff to create a variety of age appropriate, engaging, enriching activities for campers, and coordinate scheduling and staffing of activities each day/week.
  • Drama Coordinator—Introduce staff to appropriate skits to be used for bible studies and talent shows. For bible studies, coordinate skit usage with camp pastor.
  • Craft Director — Plan, prepare, carry out, and clean up craft times for each week, maintaining an assigned budget and ensuring campers have a memento to take home. 
  • Kitchen Coordinator—Make schedule/oversee L.I.T.’s who will clean up after each meal and help as needed. Keep towels washed and folded. (May be changed to Cleaning Coordinator for summer 2021)
  • Worship Leader—Plan and lead music at Bible Study time, camp fire, and whenever music is needed. This does not need to be a program staff person. A counselor or Summer Director can fill this role.
  • Camp Store Manager—Register campers & record spending money at registration, record all transactions throughout the week (daily drink breaks and weekly camp store times), and return unspent money to campers at the week’s end. Requires collaboration with Office Administrator.
  • Camp Newspaper Editor—Create a short camp newspaper for each week using camper articles, pictures from the photographer, and notes from camp pastors to highlight the theme for the week. Editor should be comfortable using Microsoft Publisher.
  • Social Media Coordinator— Update various social media outlets regularly, managing parent e-mails to campers, posting pictures, etc. Talk to Director for more details about this description.
  • Photographer/Videographer—Document each week: photos and videos of activities throughout the week for year-round marketing and video summary, frequent, regular social media posts for camper parents, portraits of each cabin group and whole camp group for camper purchase, video summary of each week for camper purchase. This position must have experience in video editing. Talk to the Director for more details about this position. This role is a full position and will have modified Program Staff responsibilities.
Counselor (3 Male & 3 Female)
  1. Be at least 18 years old or a high school graduate.
  2. Provide for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their cabin members by doing the following: promote safety, assist them in interpersonal relationships with other campers, challenge them to Christian commitment, encourage them to participate and be alert to teaching opportunities, and discourage unacceptable behavior. This is the counselor’s primary responsibility.
  3. Live with a cabin group and supervise their activities at all times, promoting good cabin spirit, being an example in participating, cooperating, and exercising Christian love and care.
  4. Develop a relationship with each camper, be aware of their need, and provide leadership and guidance which promotes Christian growth.
  5. Lead evening devotions with cabin group.
  6. Utilize the outdoor setting in such a way that campers will learn to respect and admire it.
  7. Oversee Leader In Training who lives with cabin group.
  8. Assist in cleaning camp after campers have left.
  9. Responsible first to Program Staff and Summer Director, then Executive Director.
Leader in Training


  1. Be 16-17 years of age.
  2. Participate in orientation and as many weeks of summer camp as possible.
  3. Live with a cabin group, assist that counselor, engage with campers during activities/staff meeting, help in kitchen, lead one cabin devotion each week, and supervise/lead snack time activities as directed.
  4. Engage with campers in all activities during the day (swimming, recreation, meal times, crafts, etc.)
  5. Lead activities as assigned.
  6. Participate in weekly leadership training sessions. Each training session has a guided practice component with follow-up during each week.
  7. Attend daily staff meetings.
  8. Work as a team during meal clean-up.
  9. Assist with clean-up at the end of each week.
  10. Have a healthy respect for those in authority.
  11. Responsible first to Counselor, Program Staff and Summer Director, then Executive Director.